lunes, 19 de diciembre de 2011


From my point of view, the ethics in the online journalism are the same of the traditional media, but applicated in this digital support.
Because every journalist have to be honest and they don't have to copy other published information if they don't say who is the author of the recopilated information.

It is important too, refusing gifts or money but for example, economic journalists are awarer that online journalists in that topic, because economic informations can influence in the market, and for that reasons, entreprises or factories, enjoy giving gifts to journalist in order to they write interested pieces of news.

The text talk too about telling the truth, but obviously, this is the basic rule in every kind of journalist, and for toelling the truth it is important to check the information in order to be sure that you have objective information.

If we centre the point in blogs, there are a bit problem... there are people who write blogs but they aren't journalists... so... have they to follow the journalistic ethics when they write in their blog?
From my point of view the perfect situation would be when they follow the rules and they write truth information, checked information and they write who is the author of information no-maked for them.

But it is important to know the lay, and be sensitive with the victims of the dramas, and avoid been yellow press, generating pain in other people in order to increase the visits.

And finaly, I find very important for bloggers, writing down their blogs about waht kind of blog it is. If t is and opinion blog, objective blog... etc.

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