eldiariomontañes.es is an online media from Cantabria. Using Alexa Traffic Rank, we know that it is in 16,90 position in the global rank and 447 in the Spanish rank. Investigating about its audience, eldiariomontañes.es appeals more to Hispanics. Its audience also tends to consist of childless women between the ages of 25 and 45 who have postgraduate educations and browse from work. Aproximately 86% of the site visitors are in Spain. eladiariomontañes.es 's visitors view 3,5 uniue pages each day on average. If we go to the OJD website, we can discover how many visits a day it have in agoust: 85044. In summer less people use to visit this online media than the other seasons.
Analysing the acces to information, in the frontpage it has this main sections: Cantabria, Sports, Economy, People and TV, Free time, paticipating, blog, services, newspaper library, hightly news. But the option to search information is only for words search, not for sections search. However, it has got advanced search: you can leak your search with author leak, place leak...
From 2006, this website has an online newspaper library wih hipermedia contents and also, it has got a navigation map of the site.
The last update is visible in the hompage, on the top of the website on the right hand.
You can identify the author of the news in some cases, when the piece of news don't come from an agency. But if you want to read something from one especial person, you can use the advanced search and you can use the author filters.
The print section is avaible in the website in PDF format if you want to pay some money for it.
Click here
About special reports, it hasn't got any deep reports section, but it give special coverage to Cantabria, becauste it is a regional online media. For that reason, advertisers know very well which is the tarjet group.
Before, we say that it has a print edittion, but it has got more edittions, for smartphones, Ipad or tablets. It also has got RSS chanels.
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If you want, you have the option to register online. You have to create an user, a password and a security check. If you aren't sure about what the media can do with your personal information, don't be afraid, so, it has got a legal advice too, where you can find the data protec politics and user conditions.
Click Here
When I have been investigating the website, I was surprised when I can't find any staff information... but if you look at the last part of the website, you can discover how many online media has Vocento, the comunication group of eldiariomontañes.es, and you have the option of click in someone and go to its homepage.
Analysing the news content, we can watch that it has got a latest news section included in the homepage. The homepage design has on the top a newsvideo galery. The news structure in the first level (homepage) has a subtitle or a previous title, the title and two-three lines with relevant information. It usually has a photo too. Under the relevant information there are the number of coments that the piece of news has got, and finally, under the number of coments, it appears if the piece of news has enclosed something like a video, PDF, etc
Analysing the interactivity tools, is important to talk about the blog section (
Click here). This section has other sections: art and culture, current information, author blogs, Cantabria, Cantabros auround the world, science and technology, films, sports, football in Cantabria, books, local, Mas media, music, nature, free time, personal blogs, Racing and TV. In addition, the user can create a blog too, but the user has to be registered before do that.
This website offers the option to share content in the scial networks like Tuenti, Facebook, Twitter, Windows Media... and the option to sent information by e-mail.
Users can have interactivity in the website doing some coments in the news or giving some votes. The are other interactive sections, like
forum, with a previous registration, with some condicions and a moderator, and
chats (and
videochats) with the same characterists. But if you want to get in contact with the news author, you can't. You can only know the name of the person, not else.
There are some rules to participate in chats, forums, put some coments... but the basic rule is to respet Spanish laws.
Considering the ranking of those news, it is similar that important online news appear on the up side of the page and on the left side. From my point of view I think so, because on the up side you can find the most amount of images and on the left side. In the other parts there are sport information (in the middle) and some ads.
And finally, about the design, I would like to express that users can't personalize contents on the homepage, and can't change the colours.